
Personal Computer (DrinkBox Studios, 2013)

Goal Status
🏆 Finished game
💯 Completionist
📋 High Score N/A
📺 Video

Bonus Goal

Goal Status
🔮 Collected All Orbs


Dang, I don't know. I played this once 8 years ago and remember very little about it. It's a platform adventure game with belt scroller combat. You push the action button to punch, and push it three times to punch three times. It has a lot of internet memes and reference humor, which is a little embarrassing for a game that came out in 2013. I apparently 100%ed it, so I'm sure it's fine. The luchador theme seems like a loving tribute, you can tell the designers were passionate about it, but wrestling conceptually just doesn't do anything for me. But for what it is, the art is very nice.


