Goal | Status |
🏆 Finished game | ✅ |
💯 Completionist | N/A |
📋 High Score | N/A |
📺 Video | Link |
This is a game I received as a gift when I was a child. When you only get one or two games a year if you're lucky, you play them until you get hopelessly soul-crushingly frustrated, or until you finish them. This game I was able to finish. It's not good, but it sure is weird. The sprites are huge, which makes it bad to play, because Taz moves so quickly and you can see so little of his surroundings at any given time, but it makes it feel more like you're playing a cartoon, which at the time was a high-value quality. You have 12 hit points, and they scatter so many whole roast chickens and medkits around that you can kinda brute-force your way through. A baffling game.