The links page is the powerhouse of the web.
Reading List
Regularly updated text content; like this blog, except not me. If it doesn't have an RSS feed, it probably belongs in another category.
CD-ROM journal: Dives into the strange world of 1990s multimedia.
CrimethInc.: Anarchist news, analysis, and activism.
The CRPG Addict: What-it-says-on-the-tin doer. 78th-degree computer sorcerer.
David Gerard: Cryptocoin clowning and debunkery.
fluffy: I had lunch with fluffy and they were a total delight.
: Vi's personal blog about various topics. Also check out the rad homepage, please.
idiomdrottning: Prolific personal blog about numerous interesting topics, plus emacs.
Lawyers, Guns & Money: Politics, left-of-center POV, interesting perspectives.
: Maya: ditherpunk and leading voice of the goblin web.
Tom 7 Radar: The guy who makes all those videos on the youtube. You know, those ones.
void Fox();: Trysdyn—RPG Jolteon and code witch.
Waxing Poetic About Life: My love's online journal.
Web3 is going great: [Narrator] Web3 is not going great.
A little less bloggy, a little more homey.
Adam Cadre: Author of fiction (interactive and non-). Writes about media, teaching, and writing. Feedless blog.
: biko's site is so cool. I can only dream of having a website this cool. Please go there and just click around and explore.
bryn::writing: Original fiction, essays, extensive media analysis. Pencil sketches of blog posts.
soweli!: Soweli means animal.
: Spriteclad; multimedia aficionado and scholar of memesis.
: Wait, why am I linking to my ISP? That's weird. Well, they got a pretty good library, go check it out.
: xyzzyzzyzx; weirder earthling and author of short fiction.
: Lexi's homepage, opinions, diary, etc.
: Zelkova's stuff. Beautiful art and comics, lovely neat homepage.
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